


Thermo Cuff

Air Compression Line

DOCTUS Air Cuff System

▪ information

▪ Controller

▪ Air Cuff


▪ Information

▪ Air Cuff Application

EZrap Revolution

▪ Information

▪ EZrap Revolution Application

Thermo Cuff

▪ Information

Air Cuff Application

▪ Information

Elastic Compression Line


▪ Information

▪ EZrap Application


▪ Information

Compression Stocking Line


▪ Information

▪ CAP anti embolism stocking

▪ Health Support Garadient
  Compression Stocking

Heating Product Line

EZrap Carbon Heater

▪ Information

▪ EZrap Carbon Heater Mat

▪ EZrap Carbon Heater Belt

It is the most innovative and appropriate treatment for patients
who have total knee replacement surgery and total hip
replacement surgery

Patients for total knee replacement surgery and total hip replacement surgery need a specialized therapy for edema therapy and DVT prevention after surgery.
Specifically, it can enhance the edema therapy and alleviate pain to a very appropriate level so that cold therapy and air massage can be applied at the same time.
Furthermore, Thermo Cuff has a unique design for edema therapy and DVT prevention for patients who under go total knee replacement surgery and total hip replacement surgery.
Also, Thermo Cuff guarantees a very outstanding effect with the optimum air massage through cold therapy for edema therapy after surgery for your home care.

Feature and Indication

• Optimum ergonomic design for surgery patients
• No skin irritation as it uses the finest medical fabric (Latex Free)
• Time and cost saved with convenient therapy and the ease in wearing the product
• Capable of treating edema with support air compression
• It quickly decreases edema and reduces pain
• Applicable to breast cancer patients
• Applicable to total knee and hip replacement surgery